Apr 4, 2011

Integrated coastal zone management -a tool for sustainable tourism?

I hope you all had a good inter-semester break!

Now the semester starts again, and immediately we come up with the first lecture. Talking about holidays - the subject for this Tuesday is sustainable tourism.

With the growth of the tourism industry tropical shorelines are in danger. For tourism to survive in such vulnerable locations, it is crucial to understand and to assess tourism impacts in order to maintain long term benefits of the tourism industry. Integrated Coastal zone management is the key to achieve this goal.

“Integrated coastal zone management -a tool for sustainable tourism?”

Tuesday, 05/04/2011, 19:00h at TMS

Feb 21, 2011

Insights in Research on Carbon Capture and Storage - Presentation download

Our last lecture received good resonance. It was great to see so many of you in the audience, and we had really interesting discussions afterwards. I hope we can continue some of them here. In the meanwhile finally the presentation is available for download.

We highly appreciate any comments!

Keep visiting our blog for information about the lectures in the next semester. We are still open for suggestions!

Join in and have your say! Get informed - get engaged - get organized!

Jan 28, 2011

“Insights in Research on Carbon Capture and Storage”

After the slight difficulties we had with the last
lecture, we are more than happy to end this semester's lecture series with a very interesting topic presented by an external expert: Dr. Markus Bauer from the University of Bayreuth. He will talk about the upcoming CCS technology that you certainly heard about in the media or during your studies. CCS means Carbon capture and storage, i.e. sequestration of CO2 and its underground storage. This technology could offer a means to allow the continued use of the world's hydrocarbon resources while still taking care of climate change. However, many doubts concerning the efficiency, applicability and safety of this technology exist. Learn more about a much discussed technology of tomorrow.

As this is the last lecture for this semester we really hope that you can afford a break in your exam preparations to spend an inspiring evening with us. We look forward to nice discussions and relaxed conversation afterwards with a beer with you. We also will try to provide small snacks make you feel comfortable at our closure lecture.

“Insights in Research on Carbon Capture and Storage”

Tuesday, 08/02/2011, 19:00h at TMS

Hope to see you there!