Apr 28, 2009

A Green History Of The World

A Green History Of The World

The foundations of human history lie in the way in which ecosystems work. Human development depends to very high degree on the ability of attaining enough resources to survive. Major breakthroughs always lead to increases in population, and often have severe environmental consequences. Human history is, at its most fundamental level, the story of how ecological limitations have been circumvented and the consequences of doing so.

This article should give a brief overview of how natural resource use and human development are interlinked, and how the problems humanity is facing today are determined by the way human societies evolved in the last 10,000 years.


1 Kommentare:

Unknown said...

It's quite some time ago since this presentation was given but parts of it reminded me of a good book that I've just read:

Collapse - How societies choose to fail or succeed by Jared Diamond

It focuses on civilizations that collapsed whereas other civilizations with similar circumstances did not.

Interesting - Interesting

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