Apr 26, 2009

Presenting The Green Bug Lectures

The idea of this lecture series is to allow Students from all disciplines to exchange their views on current global issues. The focus will lay on environmental politics. The year 2009 is a year of elections in Germany, and in the end of the year the further development in climate policies will be initiated in Kopenhagen. Therefore, discussion and engagement is necessary – but until now this is coming short among students in Hohenheim. The lectures will demonstrate the need for action, and together we will figure out how this action could look like.

The presentations take place every second Tuesday at the TMS. 45 minutes of presentation, by students, professors or extern contributors, will lay the foundations for arguments. Time for discussion follows. The lectures are accompanied by this blog, where the content is summarized and further opportunities for discussion are provided. The lectures and the blog will be held in English, in order to allow the international students to contribute with their valuable experiences.

2009 is a year of politics! Join in, be informed, and have your say!

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