May 10, 2009

Where was your Food last night?

The Kulturgruppe of Asta and FRESH are inviting you to the second part of the 'Green-Bug Lectures' series with the title

Where was your Food last night?

Very often, in our modern culture, we are disconnected from the production processes that bring goods of mass consumption to our door. If one is asked, where does the milk, the bananas, the apples that he/she eats come from, the answer is usually simply 'from the super-marker'. From how many countries do the products that fill our basket come? How many kilometers does our food have to travel between the field and our plate? What are the consequences to the environment, society and economy? How can we as agriculturalists of the future pass the message of sustainable eating to the simple citizen in the street?

presented by Pavlos Georgiadis (FRESH). On Tuesday, May 12 at 19:00 at the Tropenzentrum.

1 Kommentare:

Katie said...

Great job so far, Daniel! Both lectures have provoked interesting conversation and new ideas. Not to mention the FRESH food last night was delicious! I'd be interested in hearing more ideas about how people think we can make some of these changes at Hohenheim. These aren't just global problems. Thanks again for providing a place for discussion.

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