Jun 4, 2009

Climate change policy: Get infromed (links)!

There is an international umbrella organisation of NGOs concerned about climate change, the climate action network (CAN). They provide a lot of material on their homepage (under „policy and information“). Look for their "ECO" newsletter, short but very well written crtical comments on ongoing negotiations.

Elaborate list of important links to climate change.

Official site of the UFCCC, which is a vast source of information. There is also a webcast of important meetings of the ongoing climate change talks in Bonn.

The german NGO german watch is very active in fighting for climate justice, but they also provide a lot of material.

A very good and critical report on carbon trade can be found here („this publication takes a broad look at several dimensions of carbon trading. It analyses the problems arising from the emerging global carbon market pertaining to the environment, social justice and human rights, and investigates climate mitigation alternatives. It provides a short history of carbon trading and discusses a number of ‘lessons unlearned’. Nine case studies from different parts of the world provide examples of the outcomes.“)

Discussion paper of „Bred for the world“ (a german NGO) on financing climate adaption.

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