Jun 24, 2009

Final Session for this semester

The green bug lectures are about going to finish for this semester. We had some nice evenings and interesting discussions. Hopefully we can continue next semester. The lectures are still in their infancy, and my pledge for the next semester is to organize the events longer ahead and to invite some external experts.

So what will we have for the coming green bug lecture? There have been busy times for all of us, and I had to deviate from the schedule again. Now I want to make the last green bug lecture your lecture! The idea behind the lectures is to exchange ideas and to talk about latest events and issues. So why not having “green bug lectures in a nutshell”? Have you stumbled over important news in the recent past? Have you heard of an interesting event? Do you engage yourself in an interesting organization? Do you have a good idea for taking action? Let the others now! Say what you want to say in 5-10 minutes and hear what the others think about it!
And last but not least: let’s talk about the future green bug lectures: what are your ideas and comments, what can be improved, and about what would you like to hear next semester?

If you have something you want to present you can let me know ahead, then we can post an announcement and some information ahead here on the blog. However, spontaneous contributions will be appreciated as well.

And I am very happy to announce that F.R.E.S.H. will provide us with some food again. Thanks and two thumbs up!

Tuesday, June, 30st, start 19:00h

Hope to see some of you there!

PS: Noch ein Hinweis für die der deutschen Sprache mächtigen: am Freitag in Tübingen: KLIMAPERSPEKTIVEN – BLICKWINKEL AUF DEN KLIMAWANDEL

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