Oct 31, 2009

Summary: The geopolitical situation in the arctic region

Unfortunately the intended presenter could not come due to schedule difficulties (but he promised to make up for it another time!). Thus, we had to improvise and only had a short summary of the study he worked on. This study will soon be published and available as free download, the link will be posted here. Additionally we had some short report and segments of the news coverage of the subject:

  • A short description of the alarming situation in the arctic of national geographic
  • A segment describing the hopes to find oil in the region from CNN
  • A segment of Russian TV describing the possibility of new shipping routes
  • An interview with a french professor on the geopolitical implications

You might as well have a look again on the powerpoint-presentation for a summary of the main findings of the study.DOWNLOAD FILE

Very briefly, the main conclusions are:

  • Forecasting the region’s future involves a high level of uncertainty
  • Assumptions on the resources under the arctic are almost exclusively based on a single survey
  • It is not very likely that new shipping routes will be established in the region
  • If it indeed turns out that oil extraction is feasible in the region, cooperation is more likely then conflict

The discussion afterwards went soon to broader implications and issues. Key points of the expressed arguments are given here as summary together with some suggestions for further reading.

Human Resource use and human nature.

>>Have a look again on “the green history of the world

An agreement in Copenhagen could lead to a general CO2 emission cap, thus making the difficult accessible oil under the arctic “worthless”

>>The Copenhagen climate conference will be the subject of the next lectures

>>Have a look again on the lecture on climate change policy

Climate change is still the major issue: multilevel action is needed. Good news are that political awareness has improved. Action on personal level needed as well. FRESH advocates for changes in eating patterns, arguing with the plausibility for daily life and the huge possible impact on agricultural practice.

>>see Worldwatch Report: Mitigating Climate Change Through Food and Land Use

Many things to discuss, many ideas needed! Please have your say, leave a comment or write me an e-mail, let’s exchange!

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