Nov 23, 2009

Climate change policy: additions

The news in the run-up to Copenhagen are not encouraging. However: how could we give up here? And indeed, the spirit of commitment and engagement at this university slowly grows:

After the last lectures the initiative was taken to found a students group in order to improve energy efficiency at the university. They will hold their first official meeting at Thursday, 26th Nov Nov, at 18:00h, room is still to be announced. Please contact Holger Fischer for further information! I think this sort of initiatives is really what we need, so let's give them all support we can share!

The demonstration at Friday was quite a success; there were at least 500 people. Most of them were youths, the ones who start engaging now and might soon be in positions to take responsibility, so its promising if they know already now what to stand for!

Still, to be informed is important. I try my best here to sum up information for you, hoping that some of you can make use of it. Comments would be highly appreciated! :-)

Copenhagen COP 15... let's keep going!

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