Feb 2, 2010

Resource wars?

This semester ends soon, but not without a last green bug lectures before we start our well deserved holidays! Remember we promised you that we will have an expert for geopolitics coming from the Netherlands to present for us? Finally, he is coming to hold a lecture on “Resource wars? Geopolitical implications of increasingly scarce natural resources”.

Thus, the last lecture for this semester is again to cover a broader, general subject. Water, oil, minerals, arable land… natural resources that seemed inexhaustible are all going to become increasingly scarce in this century. The leading world powers react with different strategies on that challenge. What are these strategies? Are they leading the world into large military conflicts? What are the different geopolitical scenarios for the next decades? These are just some of the issues Jaakko Kooroshy is going to explore.

Jaakko holds a degree in international economics as well as in social sciences. Currently he works as an expert for geopolitical developments at The Hague Center for Strategy Studies in the Netherlands. He published a study on the geopolitical implications of the melting ice shield in the arctic recently, and another one on the scarcity of minerals for the Dutch government.

We are very happy that we managed to present you a real external expert at the end of this semester’s lectures. So please, even if you feel busy preparing for the exams: take a break, take your time thinking about the broader issues of what is happening in our world, and enjoy a very interesting talk and discussion supported by FRESH food and cool drinks.

Tuesday, 2nd of february. As always: at 19:00h, at the TMS, and with FRESH serving Food!!!

Hope to see you there!

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