Apr 14, 2010

Oil versus Nature - A battle in Ecuador

The opening lecture for this semester will be held by Jennifer Bilbao and Holger Fischer, both of them Ph.D students at this university. Their subject will be:

Oil versus Nature - A battle in Ecuador

Ecuador's pristine forests are important hotspots of biodiversity. This paradise is threatened by the black gold that lies underneath - crude oil in the values of billions of dollars that transnational oil companies are eager to exploit. Reckless exploitation and oil spilling that endangers the health of the local population have already led to the biggest environmental lawsuit in history. Can the new strategy, the Yasuní - Initiative, save this world natural heritage for all of us?

Don’t miss this opportunity to get first hand information and to learn about a very interesting approach in resource management. Certainly something worth a good discussion. And as the last semester: it’s in the TMS, nice atmosphere, with drinks and beer, and FRESH provides some food.

Tuesday, 20th of April, at TMS, starting at 19:00h

Take a look around in past posts for further information and interesting material about the last lectures. Tell your interested friends!!!

Hope to see you there!

1 Kommentare:

Holger said...

Hi friends,

I want to use the opportunity to give you more source of information of our presentation yesterday:
for the case Chevron-Texaco go to http://chevrontoxico.com/

or watch the documentary "Crude-the real price of oil" - we have it and would borrow it.

About yasuní:

You can also ask us for the slides, for spreading the news!

Jen & Holger

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