Apr 14, 2010

Green Bug Lecture: 1st Anniversary

All most one year ago we introduced the first green bug lectures. We had many interesting presentations and topics. I want to use this opportunity to thank all people involved, and not at least, all of you for your participation. The lecture has become a nice little part of student’s life at the University, and provided some inspiring moments to all that have been there. I think its worth the effort to continue them, and with all of you participating we may even get new people involved and interested. Presentation – Discussion - Talking politics! Get informed - get engaged - get organized! Join in and have your say!

This semester it will not be me organizing the lectures, but one student group for each lecture. Greening Hohenheim, FRESH and the AKÖ already joined in. We will soon provide you with the dates and intended subjects.

The opening lecture for this semester will be held by Jennifer Bilbao and Holger Fischer, both of them Ph.D students at this university. See next post!

1 Kommentare:

Holger said...

It happened!!!!!!!!
Chevron was sentenced to a 8 billion U$ fine today! :-)

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