Apr 24, 2010

Oil versus Nature - A battle in Ecuador - Summary

A good start into the next year of green bug lectures! Thanks to Holger and Jennifer for their interesting presentation. We provide here the slides of the presentation, further information and foremost: with space for further discussion and comments. Make use of it ;-)

The presentation can be downloaded here.

The video that was shown during the presentation can be watched here.

Holger sent me a link to another video on the lawsuit, click here to watch it.

The most important links from the presentation:


As additional information: a very good and critical report on carbon trade can be found here („this publication takes a broad look at several dimensions of carbon trading. It analyses the problems arising from the emerging global carbon market pertaining to the environment, social justice and human rights, and investigates climate mitigation alternatives. It provides a short history of carbon trading and discusses a number of ‘lessons unlearned’. Nine case studies from different parts of the world provide examples of the outcomes.“)

Stay informed, so that you know when and where to act.

The next lecture will be held on Tuesday, May 11th by FRESH! Don’t miss it!

1 Kommentare:

Holger said...

Hi Daniel,
the link for report on carbon trade seems not to work. Can you fix it?

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